Hot Work Permit: Pack of 5

Sale price$12.00


Work permits for contractors are used for high-risk jobs and are required if there is a risk of serious injury that cannot be adequately controlled by normal safeguards. The Hot Work Permit is designed to provide contractors with a simple, yet comprehensive guide to working in hazardous areas on your property.



This is a multi-copy document that is displayed at the work site to indicate hazardous work is underway. The document includes a hazard questionnaire, PPE requirement record, authorization, and project completion sections.

The reverse of the document displays a hazard sign - and it is kept in a waterproof plastic wallet held in place by cable ties (sold separately).

Hot Work Permit

This multi-page document includes three copies – the last page doubling as a hazard sign to display on the work site. The hazard sign can be kept in a waterproof plastic wallet held in place by cable ties (sold separately).

You are ordering a pack of 5 Hot Work Permits.

The document includes a hazard questionnaire, PPE requirement record, authorization, and project completion sections.

To order the accompanying plastic display wallets click here.

Hot Work Permit

Hot Work Permit
Work Permit Plastic Sleeve With Seal

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